By Patrick Cahillane – Life, Executive & Business Coach with One Source International Coaching and Training ( ) & Founder of The One Source Personal Development Network

I’m sorry to have to say it, however, heartbreaks are an inevitable part of life. Whether they stem from the end of a romantic relationship, the loss of a loved one, or any other disappointment, the pain can be intense and all-consuming.
However, there is a powerful remedy to heal a broken heart: focusing on progress towards a worthwhile goal. As a coach I often refer my clients to read and follow the advice of Matthew Hussey. In his insightful book, “The Cure for Heartbreaks,” he emphasizes the transformative power of directing our energy towards meaningful pursuits. This article delves into the concept of progress versus distractions and highlights how it can be the key to healing and personal growth.
Progress: The Pathway to Healing: When we experience heartbreak, it’s natural to seek distractions as a means of temporarily numbing the pain. We might immerse ourselves in work, partying, or even rebound relationships to escape the feelings of loss. However, Hussey argues that true healing lies in progress rather than distractions. By channeling our energy into meaningful goals, we create a sense of purpose that goes beyond merely masking the pain. Progress allows us to rebuild our self-esteem, regain control over our lives, and ultimately move forward with newfound strength.
The Difference Between Progress and Distractions: Distractions are temporary fixes that often leave us feeling empty once the initial novelty wears off. They provide momentary relief from heartbreak but fail to address the underlying issues. On the other hand, progress is a deliberate and consistent effort to improve ourselves and our circumstances. It requires introspection, self-reflection, and a willingness to confront the pain head-on. Rather than avoiding the heartbreak, progress enables us to grow from it.
Making Progress Towards a Worthwhile Goal: To embark on a journey of progress, it’s crucial to set a worthwhile goal—a purpose that aligns with our values and aspirations. This goal should inspire us to push through the pain, face our fears, and work towards personal transformation. It could involve pursuing a passion, improving our health and well-being, or making a positive impact on the world. By setting our sights on something greater than our heartbreak, we reframe our perspective and find the strength to heal.
The Healing Power of Progress: Progress is not only about achieving the end result; it’s a process of self-discovery and growth. As we work towards our worthwhile goal, we develop new skills, gain confidence, and learn valuable lessons along the way. The sense of accomplishment derived from making progress helps us build resilience and allows us to view heartbreak as a stepping stone towards a better version of ourselves. The pain that once seemed insurmountable becomes a catalyst for personal transformation.
Heartbreaks are undoubtedly painful, but they also present us with an opportunity for growth. Matthew Hussey’s book, “The Cure for Heartbreaks,” sheds light on the power of progress in healing and personal development. By focusing on making progress towards a worthwhile goal rather than seeking temporary distractions, we can transform our pain into purpose. Progress allows us to reclaim our lives, rebuild our self-esteem, and emerge from heartbreaks stronger than ever before. Remember, healing takes time, but the journey towards progress is a beacon of hope that leads us to a brighter future.
Stay focused and stay strong,
#HealingHeartbreaks #ProgressTowardsPurpose #PersonalGrowthJourney #OvercomingPain #TransformationalJourney #SelfDiscovery #Resilience #PurposefulLiving #EmotionalHealing #SelfReflection #GoalSetting #RebuildingSelfEsteem #FindingStrength #MovingForward #GrowthThroughProgress #HeartbreakToHealing